Inspired Cheese Board Ideas!
This cheese board aptly named, “Le Comté et ses cousins Américains éloignés,” (Comté and its distant American Cousins), was developed, by our friend, Max McCalman, well-known author, cheese educator, consultant and Maître Fromager!
The other cheeses on the board include: Pawlett (back left) from Consider Bardwell in Vermont; Flory’s Truckle (back center) from Milton Creamery in Missouri and Goat Tomme (back right) from Twig Farm in Vermont; Kinsman Ridge (center, looks like a thick wedge of Brie) from Landaff Creamery, New Hampshire: Oma (orange rind cheese in front of Comté) from Von Trapp Farmstead in Vermont; Black and Blue (right side, middle) from Firefly in Maryland; Mount Tam (front left) from Cowgirl Creamery in California; Good Thunder (front center) from Alemar Cheese in Minnesota and Kunik (front right) from Nettle Meadow in New York.
(Photo credit: M. McCalman)
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